Thursday 14 November 2013

meet my bestie :))

salam n morning thursday u ollzz.....

mlm tadi dlm 8+ pg jumpa my everlasting bestie since masa mama uat dip dl kat Uitm Mache....walaweh...last jumpe masa die dlm pantang anak 1st, which os now da selama itu la we all x meet each la die pon dok S.Alam....huhuhu...she married to our abg library kat UiTM Mache tu...hahahaha...sgt funny OK..we kept a lot of secrets together..enjoyed our moment masa study dulu dgn penuh suka duka...we close 2 each other...katil pon blh sempit2 tdo same2...skg dgn mama yg mengembang dgn jayanya x blh dah kot..hahahahaha...a lot of keeje gile2 we did together...miss our time so much!!!time kawen pon I ant yg sgt penting ok,,,and da nite die nikah, last day we keep on sleeping together smbil borak2 n crying2 sket,,, :))

Back to n3 titl, haha,,, so smlm mama smpat jumpe die kat uma Ibu, wif her 2 babies..yg 2nd baru 4mnths old....cukup da sepasang..cuty ayra n little aidan :)) semalam we all borak2 alot of things...dr dulu till now...mcm2..act xcukup lagi 2 nk xoxo...we luv 2 talk...mmg style ktorang bile xde topic pon mulut still nk bcakap....kalau xde babies rasanya sampai subuh mama blh lepak sana, keep on talking!!!!hahaha...Tapi punya lama kat sana blh mama x tya nama baby boy die..hahaha..2 la dok xoxo x hengat kan!so mama spend time kat sana sampi 11+++...

As usual, papa is OK, no objection...mama free 2 meet sesiapapun...knowing her mama kan..huhuhuhu...papa s usual mlm pg her 2nd lg la no matter kan, dari mama sensorang kat uma...nnt ad yg BZbody pulak ckp mama krg KASIH syg...huhuhu..manusia kan,,, :))

### 1 pic pun xsempat snap..sbb nak xoxo terlampau, LUPE trus :)

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