Tuesday 17 September 2013

Dear readers.....if have :D

blog ni untuk tatapan n coretan i sendiri je..even my hubby officially name as Pou2 here doesnt know bout this..i luv 2 write, but i always cant make it sometimes...writing here n there in every memo book @ my little home n lastly it means nothing at all....koyak sana sini..sam as Pou2...

1st of all, it may b n objection, or mb dis blog annoying to some people....its up to u...i just feel 2 write bout my daily life here, as a memorable e-diary for myself..Yang ada menyinggung mana2 pihak, personally I am sorry ok..

Dont judge a book by its cover, Dont judge people by his bad...Life up & down..kalau boleh semua mahukan yang sempurna belaka..tapi kita punya akal n nafsu..ya sebagai hamba aku di uji....Doa beerjuta kalian mungkin mengubah aku kelak, who knows rite?

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